History of Bowen Therapeutic technique

Bowen technique originates from Australia where in the mid 50s it was developed and practised by Mr. Tom Bowen. The data show that he treated 13.000 patients annualy.
Tom Bowen developed his technique without having previous formal training in any modality or discipline. In fact, he frequently started that technique throughout his lifetime with the help of his friend and secretary Rene Horwood.
Studying many methods of complementary medicine he integrated in his own technique what he found and felt to be the most efficient.
Mr. Bowen was extremely busy in his Geelong clinic, performing about 13,000 treatments a year.
In 1974, while attending a national health conference in Adelaide, Australia, Oswald Rentsch met Mr. Bowen for the first time.
Tom Bowen has taught only 6 people to perform Bowen technique. In the 1974 he allowed Mr. Oswald Reutsch to take notes of his technique and also authorized him to teach and widespread his technique after his death.
The only condition set out was that everyone who wants can learn the technique. In the 1986, four years after Tom’s death, owing to Ossie and his wife Elaine Rentch, the widespread of this technique began, first in Australia and later also outside Australia.
To preserve the Original technique Ossie and Elaine founded the Australian Academy of Bowen Therapy in 1987.
It was named Bowtech ® – The original Bowen Tecnique. It spread widely and gained enormous popularity. In 2000 there were more than 26.000 therapist using this technique.
The Australian Academey has now 100 registeerd instructors who held seminars in around 40 countries.