How does the Bowen session looks like?

During Bowen session patients usually lie on a therapeutic table, or seat in a chair or stand if required.

Bowen session consists of a series of gentle but purposeful efficient »Bowen moves«. These moves can be done on the skin or through light clothing if the client prefers.

Bowen move resembles playing a guitar. Once the muscles and tendors are touched, they start to vibrate from one end to another, from the surface to the inner layers.

Followed by release of tension which was formed to protect the muscles and tendors from further damage (compensation mode). The moves follow a certain order and are applied to determined areas in the direction which promises best results.

a set of moves the therapist leaves the room and makes a pause for 2 minutes to allow the body to integrate the information and the client to relax.

The pause, allowing the body to remember and reset its healthy natural balance, is the basic component of Bowen technique.

After the pause when the nervous system begins to adjust the tension level in the muscles, the client is ready for the next set of moves. When the therapist returns to the room she continues using the next set of body moves.

Holistic Bowen session usually lasts 45 – 60 min for adults and for babies around 40 min. It depends of the situation of the patient and the problem.

The purpose of the first session is to discuss about the problems that you have. After a short review and after performing the therapy itself, i recommend the number of therapies and inform you about the further therapy sessions.

It is reccomanded to perform sessions every 7 – 10 days allowing our body time to integrate the information received and make the necessary amendments.

Choosing the corresponding combination and order of the moves, the therapist can address the whole body or just a specific part/problem.

Bowen moves make the body remember and activate processes that reset the body to optimal state of health, to its blueprint. This is achieved by activation of cell’s memory, while recent traumas and compensatory forms are deleted even if these are very old.